Blue Laws
An essay by George Lewis is getting around.
Tag: 21st Century Musical Practices
Zieguezon finishes the cycle of Quebecois songs I wrote for the incomparable ----Bowers Fader Duo---- - wonky: At the end of each verse of this setting of Ziguezon there are …
Robert Pollock composes the most amazing guitar music. When he writes for instruments he feels the character of the instruments and writes in the mask of the character. This point is made so clear by his banjo & piano …
Connections Between Babbitt & Schenker In loving memory of Stephen Peles Anderson: Stephen, I have a really interesting idea for a music theory project. Peles: I'll be the judge of that! ---Milsaps, Mississippi, …
Discussions broke down over the appropriateness of the word "vector".
James Levine set a trap for Milton Babbitt at a Babbitt's 90th birthday celebration at Weill Hall. Levine produced the event through the MET Opera Chamber Players. Tenor Niel Farrell &I opened the concert with Babbitt's …