Manufacturing Innocence
After the crash in 1929, the US saw a united effort to recreate innocence. Disney was at the forefront. His work from the '20s was edgy. See Mickey get more cute into the '30s. There are many other examples. The movie …
Category: Articles
After the crash in 1929, the US saw a united effort to recreate innocence. Disney was at the forefront. His work from the '20s was edgy. See Mickey get more cute into the '30s. There are many other examples. The movie …
The poetics of the music of Pierre Boulez, I contend, are close to the development we see from Poe through Boudelaire and Mallarme to Valery. Boulez most likely began with an interest in having his techniques have nothing to …
Or....Love and Death, American Style Someone has to point out the parallels between Brokeback Mountain and Tennesee William's Suddenly Last Summer. Around the time of Wuorinen's *Brokeback Mountain* premiere the …
In Mr. Dufallo's book we see how colonialism creates coherence in what was polyglot. Greek culture was a great mishmash of its own colonial movements. The Roman conquest of Greece created the coherence of Greek art as we …
Read in German We're following up on the discussion of Unferhofftes Wiedersehen/Unexpected Reunion here with another short, short and closely related story, Greifensee, by Robert Walser. While there is nothing so …
I was the on-stage guitarist, with an interesting group of Cuban Dancers in Miami. Choreography by Josee Garante